Page 4 AAB SPORTS & FITNESS MANUAL The Academy-An Idea

The Academy-An Idea

The Australian Academy of Boxing became a reality on the 24th January 1990 from my idea in 1987 that the structural conditioning aspects of Boxing as well as Boxing self-defence should be made available to everyone. What was needed was a vehicle to achieve that objective.

By 1987 twenty four years of boxing experience had taught me that just like gladiator/commando training only a very small percentage of the populace were willing to accept the hard knocks that are part and parcel of the demanding sport of competitive boxing training. Even though the prowess of boxers was widely admired the lack of participation by the general public led consequentially to a lack of knowledge and understanding.

Having taught Boxing self defence skills and competitive Boxing for eleven years with a stint as coach/manager of the Victorian State Team I came to the conclusion that to reach everyone required a change of direction. The Boxing focus is on participants being taught how to strike and hit the target area of an opponent whilst defending their own but a far wider area of exercise could be achieved by utilising Boxing type equipment without being a target.

The chasm in public understanding plus a general media that sells its product on hype, exaggeration and emotion has found boxing the perfect whipping boy without any downside.

Whilst extensive investigations through controlled studies of amateur boxers has not found that boxing at an amateur level exposed individuals to harmful neuropsychological damage I have long advocated that the flawed 19th Century old 'Olympic Style Amateur Boxing' format rules that still allow amateur male or female boxers in the 21st Century to be beaten unconscious must be changed.

I firmly believe that everyone can and should build a practical personal defence capability by learning the 'Art of Boxing' and a long-term objective was to change the general public's awareness and understanding of the sports benefits. Boxing itself was to be the foundation of the Academy but the long-term objective required separate products and levels of physical demand.

The Academy's commercial base and the general public's initial participation in Boxing orientated sport and fitness required that the self-defence factor be completely separated. The objective focus needed to be on providing participants with structural reflex co-ordination and fitness training second to none by utilising boxing power projection and specialised exercises and equipment. To provide and market the new concept required a new name and that's how Boxacise® was born.